Big Claims, Bold Lies, and Recovered UFOs?

Big Claims, Bold Lies, and Recovered UFOs?

The US military is in possession of recovered extraterrestrial craft and they’ve been lying to the American public about it for 80 years. The whistle’s been blown, the lid is off, and the cat, well, it’s fully out of the bag. Or is it?

CultureJuly 07, 2023 By Will Brendza

Last month, a whistleblower by the name of David Grush, came forward with some explosive allegations, confirming what so many of us have suspected for decades. Grush claims that the US military has successfully recovered multiple crashed and in-tact UFO (or UAP) spacecraft and is actively engaged in reverse engineering programs to unlock their scientific secrets.

He even alluded to “pilots” they’d found inside these ships.

Meaning Roswell wasn’t a weather balloon! The Area 51 legends are true! It was all real all along. Welcome to government disclosure!

Well, not so fast. Because, while Grush seems to have followed all the proper channels to blow his whistle, questions remain about his legitimacy. Because here’s the thing about whistleblowers: they could easily be psy-op propaganda agents planted by the intelligence state itself to sew a narrative that completely and wholly obscures The Truth.

So which is it? Is this ex-intelligence officer being genuine about these captured craft? Or is he creating a distraction, trying to stir confusion and lead us astray?

It could be both. It could be neither. But there’s only one thing that seems to be true regardless of the answer to that question: something deeply fucked up is afoot. Someone is lying to us. And whether it’s the government or Grush, the implications of that are heavy.


Possibility #1: Grush is lying to us
I can hear the critics already: “How dare you discredit a decorated military officer! He risked his reputation to step forward!”

And, truly, Grush seems to be an upstanding military figure. He served on combat tours in Afghanistan and was the National Reconnaissance Office representative to the UAP Task Force from 2019-2021. His peers call him “beyond reproach.” His record is immaculate. He’s a stand-up guy and everyone who worked with him respects him. All of which screams intelligence spook. Pick the squeaky clean guy, who’s dedicated to his post, and task him with an acting job — to fool the public for the greater good.

Or, maybe they picked the most gullible guy in the office, lied to him, and convinced him we’ve got alien spaceships in the garage. Grush could have been duped into unwittingly playing the exact role his government wanted him to.

Why doubt Grush’s story? Two red flags make my bullshit detector tingle: 1) He followed all the proper government-provided pathways to blow this whistle. To do that, a whistleblower’s statements have to be reviewed by the agency they’re calling out. And if there are any references to classified programs or information, the whistleblower’s request to blow the whistle is denied. Grush’s request was deemed “urgent and credible.” Meaning the Pentagon reviewed the beans he was about to spill, and agreed to let him do it.

And 2) Grush never saw any of these crafts with his own eyes. He’s only relating information he was told by his superiors — the higher-ups.


But why lie?
That is a much better question. Whether Grush is lying or someone lied to him, why would the government want to leak the story that they are in possession of UFOs? Maybe they’re setting Grush up to discredit him. If they can turn around and make this guy out to be a total fool, other whistleblowers might think twice about stepping forward. Or, perhaps the military has made a massive technological breakthrough and wants to maintain secrecy around some new craft or weapon. Could this be a tactic to cover their asses with plausible deniability? Possibly. The problem is, the objects observed in our skies are moving at tens of thousands of miles per hour; they’re maneuvering in ways that defy our understanding of physics without a visible means of propulsion. Human beings couldn’t have built whatever these are. Not unless we back-engineered them from something we found, something that came from far, far away…


Possibility 2: The Government is lying to us

Let’s consider for a moment that Grush is relaying the truth — that somewhere in America there really is a secret hangar filled with numerous retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft, where scientists with the biggest paychecks, deepest loyalties, and most severe NDAs pour over alien technology day in and day out, trying to crack the code, understand their inner workings, and recreate them.

Stories about such places abound. Area 51 comes to mind. And, very often, those urban legends are rooted in some kind of deep truth. Which, Grush might be tapped into.

That would mean, our military has known about alien life since the 40s and lied to our faces about it — while simultaneously researching vehicles from another planet. It would rewrite history, challenge global religions, and inspire a new era of exploration.

I want to believe. I want Grush to be for real. But it seems almost too good to be true. And I hope I’m wrong.